The Role of Real Wage Rigidity and Labor Market Rigidities
for Inflation Persistence (2010), (with Tobias Linzert).
Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, 42(7), 1435-1446, 2010 ChristoffelLinzert10.pdf
Forecasting with DSGE Models (2010), (with Guenter Coenen and Anders Warne).
The paper appears as a chapter in
‘Oxford Handbook’ on Economic Forecasting,
edited by Michael P. Clements and David F. Hendry, Oxford University Press, USA, ISBN 978-0-19-539864-9. ForecastingDSGE.pdf
DSGE Models and their use at the ECB (2010), (with Frank Smets, Guenter Coenen, Roberto Motto and Massimo Rostagno).
SERIEs (Journal of the Spanish Economic Society), 1(1),
51-65, 2010. DSGEatECB.pdf
The Role of Labor Markets for Euro Area Monetary
Policy (2009), (with Keith
Kuester and Tobias Linzert).
Published in:
European Economic Review, 53 (2009), 908-936
The Elasticity of the Unemployment Rate with Respect to Benefits (2008), (with Keith Kuester).
Published in:
Economic Letters, 102(2),
102-105, 2009. Elasticity.pdf
Resuscitating the Wage Channel in Models with
Unemployment Fluctuations (2008), (with Keith Kuester).
Published in:
Journal of Monetary Economics, 55(5),
865-887, 2008. WageChannel.pdf
Identifying the Influences of Nominal and Real
Rigidities in Aggregate Price-Setting Behavior” (2007),
(with Guenter Coenen and Andrew Levin)
Published in:
Journal of Monetary Economics, 54(8),
2439-2466, 2007.
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